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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default (2009-08-14) NS-RFC: BLTs

In article
The Ranger > wrote:

> On Aug 16, 10:49*am, Omelet > wrote:
> [snip]
> > It's why I cringe every time I see someone at the gun show purchasing
> > AK's and AR's for home defense!
> >
> > It's stupid, ignorant and dangerous!!!

> You'll get no argument from me regarding the purchase of AKs and ARs
> "for hunting."

They are fine for hunting. I last use my AR for varmint hunting.
I was talking about home defense... Wall penetration is a real issue,
especially if you live in an apartment. At least my house has a
limestone wainscotting.

> > I use .223 for varmint hunting, outdoors, and .308 for deer.

> I haven't gone deer hunting in years; my state likes Bambi and has
> made it difficult. I mostly boar hunt which requires the 30-06. (My
> FIL uses his M1. I always know where he is after he fires that
> sucker.) Personally, I prefer to knock the animal down with one shot
> from a safe distance than get in close and have the bullet annoy it
> into the underbrush. (BTDT. It sucked having to drag the beast back
> out. You only do that once and learn from the experience or never go
> again. I like boar hunting.)

I also prefer to kill with one shot which is why I plan to use my .308
(Winchester model 88) to go feral hog hunting this fall, if that
tentative invitation I have pans out. I'm given to understand tho' that
the AR would work as well tho' given that .223 has a muzzle velocity of
3.200 fps. My .308 only has a muzzle velocity of 2.300 (or so). Granted
tho' the larger caliber can make up the difference along with the larger
powder load.
> > Never for 2 legged predators, not that I've ever had to deal with one
> > (yet, nor do I want to!)

> Texas is more conservative than PRC. Is the "He needed killin', your
> honor." still a viable defense?

You wish. ;-) We've been Californicated!
But, Governor Perry did sign the Castle Doctrine into law recently...
I still have my CHL (Concealed handgun license) but that's no longer
needed now for people to carry a gun in the car.
> The Ranger

Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
