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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Posts: 12,295
Default (2009-08-14) NS-RFC: BLTs

sf said...

> On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 12:42:45 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>>sf said...
>>> On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 10:10:45 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>>>>ChattyCathy said...
>>>>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>>>>> In article >,
>>>>>>> sf > wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:04:28 -0500, Omelet >
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> She never announces it, and I have to still work for a living.

>>>>>>>> I've noticed that she's pretty good about varying the times so
>>>>>>>> everyone who is glued to their computer has a chance.
>>>>>>> True! :-)
>>>>>> I hardly think anyone expected the surveys to come up at any
>>>>>> particular
>>>>>> time. Oh, 2 o'clock, let me try for a TFH.
>>>>> <grin> Not likely, no.
>>>>> However, I do try and vary the 'activate' times; this is an
>>>>> international group after all - and I like to give the interested
>>>>> parties in the many time zones an equal chance for a TFH.
>>>>I got a basement full of TFH beanie caps that I'm willing to part with.
>>>>They were all the rage a few eons ago.
>>>>Word on the street has it that they're coming back into fashion any day
>>>>And to the first 10,000,000 callers you'll get an Andy's Evil Twin
>>>>absolutely FREE!
>>>>Call Now!
>>> some people are still looking for tin foil attire, designer Andy!

>>Coming soon!
>>Here at "Fashions by Andy" we believe in taking our time and doing it
>>right... doing it right... doing it right...

> <kick>
> right... it right... it right...