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Charlotte L. Blackmer Charlotte L. Blackmer is offline
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Posts: 267
Default Charlotte Blackmer's Panzanella - Q regarding the bread

In article >,
Victor Sack > wrote:
>Charlotte L. Blackmer > wrote:

[Victor wants to flog someone]

>> Who the hell peed in your oatmeal, Victor? That's way the hell over the top.
>> Call it bread salad if you prefer. I usually do. But don't knock it
>> until you've tried it. It's really incredibly tasty.

>I do not think you get it.

Dammit, Victor, I understand your underlying point.

I think you're missing mine. I think you're being way over the top - and
not in the amusing way - in your delivery.

That's not the same as "not getting it". Unless you think that anything
less than perfect agreement is "not getting it", in which case I would
invite you most cordially to eat a bag of hot, salty, deep-fried dicks.

If the threats of violence part was meant as a part of the ongoing
Bubba-Vic-and-Baba-Barb show, just keep in mind that other people don't
have the same context with you. (IOW, know your audience.)

>There is nothing wrong with the recipe per se - it is just not

I can respect that. I'm that way about certain things. "That sounds like
it's very tasty, but I wouldn't call it a margarita" is something I've
said more than once. (Some times I use "but it's not a margarita" when
I'm feeling more direct.)

If you'd said the above originally, I'd have far less to argue with you
about and I sure wouldn't have asked you who peed in your oatmeal. I
probably would have just smiled and gone to the next post.

>In this context, everything about the
>recipe is wrong... ridiculous even, from the concept to the execution.
>Giusi is perfectly correct in her assessment. If "panzanella" is to be
>included in the name of the recipe, it ought to be "Panzanella

Heh. That's a point in favor of my usage of "bread salad", to be sure.
"Panzanella" was parenthetical in the original recipe, as well.
Apparently a lot of other people in RFC prefer that term instead. Good
luck dealing with them and winning them to your way of thinking .

