Charlotte Blackmer's Panzanella - Q regarding the bread
Charlotte L. Blackmer > wrote:
> Victor Sack > wrote:
> >
> >I do not think you get it.
> Dammit, Victor, I understand your underlying point.
> I think you're missing mine. I think you're being way over the top - and
> not in the amusing way - in your delivery.
> That's not the same as "not getting it". Unless you think that anything
> less than perfect agreement is "not getting it", in which case I would
> invite you most cordially to eat a bag of hot, salty, deep-fried dicks.
> If the threats of violence part was meant as a part of the ongoing
> Bubba-Vic-and-Baba-Barb show, just keep in mind that other people don't
> have the same context with you. (IOW, know your audience.)
Okay, you dug deep and tried hard - I appreciate it. Thanks! You get
it now!