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Biscuits & Gravy
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Bob Muncie > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>>> "Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>> On Aug 17, 8:08 am, Andy > wrote:
>>>>> Who doesn't love biscuits & gravy?
>>>> Me. I've never had it/them. I find biscuits greasy enough on their
>>>> own. On the
>>>> vanishingly rare occasions when I eat them, just a little jam
>>>> suffices.
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>> Damnyankee
>>>> LOL You've obviously never had good biscuits. I cannot make good biscuits
>>>> from scratch anymore. I buy the frozen ones, MaryB is the brand. They
>>>> cook
>>>> up nice and fluffy and are definitely not "greasy". You should give them
>>>> a
>>>> try. I leave it up to you to decide about gravy.
>>>> Jill
>>> I've never had a greasy biscuit. I have to wonder how she makes them?
>> Most of the ones that come out of a roll container at the store are a
>> bit greasy to me. I haven't bought many of the frozen ones, but likely
>> will before too much longer.
>> However, simple homemade rolls with some sausage gravy is hard to beat.
>> Bob
> I tend to cheat and get the ones from work at the cafeteria. They are
> open when I leave at 06:30. (I work night shifts). I think they come
> from frozen and they are not greasy at all!
> Breakfast Goodies: (steam table at work)
> You can see the biscuits over on the left. They are huge, fluffy and not
> the least bit greasy!
> Southern Breakfast Plated: (I made the eggs at home,
> the rest I bought at work and plated it when I got home!)
You!... You cheater!!
Well, alls good in food and love.. something like that ;-)