Kitchen sanitation and potlucks
On Aug 17, 10:02*am, Omelet > wrote:
> Does anyone here worry about other peoples kitchen sanitation and
> potluck meals?
> Two rooms I keep clean all the time are the kitchen and the bathroom.
> All the other rooms are arbitrary. <g> The kitchen has to be very clean
> before I'll even start cooking, but that's just me! *I also clean as I
> go to kill time during cooking timing.
> I have yet to get food poisoning from a potluck and I've eaten at many.
> I tend to avoid potato salad (which is famous for Salmonella) but that's
> not the reason. I'm simply not fond of it. *
> I eat deviled eggs all the time. Lynn' makes a wonderful one and it sits
> out on the table near the BBQ for hours during her parties, and I have
> yet to ever get sick from one. But I know she keeps a clean kitchen too
> and keeps the eggs floating over a bowl of ice to keep them cold, and
> the containers are covered to keep flies off. ;-)
> Comments?
I appreciate good kitchen sanitation but I suspect that in a lot of
cases people are far too paranoid about it.
I've heard of people throwing out a litre of milk because it has sat
in the kitchen unrefrigerated for a couple of hours. Unless you live
in Death Valley it is not that important.
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada