Charlotte Blackmer's Panzanella - Q regarding the bread
In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>In article >,
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>> Is the bread supposed to be soggy when the salad is served? Samantha
>> Demidavicius made this at the Calgary Cook-In in 2001 and it was
>> wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I'm thinking I'll bring it to a
>> meeting on Monday night.
>Damn! My meeting was cancelled two hours before it was to start.
>Hostess' daughter is in an ER in NYC and that's where she's headed. I
>have the salad ingredients all set to be combined, too. I think I'll
>still make up a small (heh) portion for me. Rob can have that leftover
>pork chop from last week.
Good idea, Barb.
I had my tomato-garlic-basil-goat cheese pasta for a late lunch, so I'll
make some bread salad tomorrow. I only have enough stale bread for one
serving, but it's "gather ye tomatoes while ye may". Might add a cuke
because I have some.
I'm going to do a side by side test run of the viniagrette in the recipe
and Michael Ruhlman's from Ratio with Dijon and garlic added (to make it
an even test). I'm not going to use all that dressing, but it will keep
in the fridge.