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Terry[_3_] Terry[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 561
Default Does cilantro taste like soap? Seems to depend...

....on the cilantro. Or on SOME variable.

I love cilantro. Or at least I did until this weekend. Visiting a
friend in WI, he took me to a local Mexican restaurant***. Salsa had
what appeared to be fresh cilantro. It tasted like soap!!

I've not encountered this before. Never understood why people thought
cilantro tasted like soap. Now I understand. But clearly there's a
variable that we aren't getting. Is it the particular variety of
cilantro? Is it the difference between fresh and frozen? The age?
The pH? The water?

Some enterprising bio student who wants to do a useful research
project ought to investigate this.

Best -- Terry

***Same name as the one here in Murray; is Mariachi Loco a chain or
just a convenient name?