Does cilantro taste like soap? Seems to depend...
Terry wrote:
> ...on the cilantro. Or on SOME variable.
> I love cilantro. Or at least I did until this weekend. Visiting a
> friend in WI, he took me to a local Mexican restaurant***. Salsa had
> what appeared to be fresh cilantro. It tasted like soap!!
Well, that's a new one! It's been explained away as a genetic thing.
> I've not encountered this before. Never understood why people thought
> cilantro tasted like soap.
Tastes like soap. (laugh)
> Now I understand. But clearly there's a
> variable that we aren't getting. Is it the particular variety of
> cilantro? Is it the difference between fresh and frozen? The age?
> The pH? The water?
It seems as though two people could be eating the same dish
and have a different reaction. I don't know why I've been able to
tolerate the taste of cilantro in the last year. I've read that you can
overcome your 'soap taste' reaction with repeated exposure.
Maybe there's something else going on.