Does cilantro taste like soap? Seems to depend...
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Nancy Young[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,651
Does cilantro taste like soap? Seems to depend...
> On Aug 18, 8:06�am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> It seems as though two people could be eating the same dish
>> and have a different reaction. �I don't know why I've been able to
>> tolerate the taste of cilantro in the last year. �I've read that you
>> can overcome your 'soap taste' reaction with repeated exposure.
> I've never thought of cilantro as tasting like soap. To me it has a
> chemical or a metallic taste to it. As far as overcoming the taste of
> it with repeated exposure is concerned, if I don't like something the
> first time I try it I'm certainly not going to keep trying it just to
> learn to like it. There's plenty of other things to eat.
While I couldn't agree with you more (I think that about a lot of things
people eat) cilantro can be difficult to avoid. If you eat out, sometimes
you find most of the items on the menu contain the flavor/food du jour.
I have found myself downing guacamole infested with cilantro, same
with some otherwise delicious appetizers.
I don't deliberately seek out cilantro trying to get used to it.
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Nancy Young[_2_]
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