In article >,
Kajikit > wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 09:02:24 -0500, Omelet >
> wrote:
> >Does anyone here worry about other peoples kitchen sanitation and
> >potluck meals?
> Nope. The only thing that gives me any twinge of concern about
> potlucks is how long the food may be sitting out if it's a long event
> or in a very hot environment (like 95 in the shade and the potluck is
> outside!), or if the food is brought several hours beforehand and not
> refrigerated or put in the oven. If it's a very long event I probably
> won't want to take any leftovers home with me but I won't worry about
> whether or not to eat there.
We have potlucks monthly at work.
It's not unusual for stuff to be brought in in the morning and
immediately refrigerated, and taken out around noon for day shift to
lunch on.
Then it's still out on the tables when I come in at 10 pm at night. <g>
I don't worry about preserved or well cooked food. It keeps, especially
if salted or smoked.
I'm just selective...
I generally clean up the break room. I'll re-cover some stuff and stick
it back in the 'frige and let the "donors" worry about whether or not
they want to take their leftovers home...
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein