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MtnTraveler MtnTraveler is offline
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Default Does cilantro taste like soap? Seems to depend...

sf wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 13:15:32 -0700 (PDT), Doug Freyburger
> > wrote:
>> Yet another genetic taste issue is paprika and
>> considering it hot. To me it's not hot and it has a flavor
>> that is mild and subtle but good. I liked the smoked
>> type of paprika. I tend to use a *lot* of pakrika in the
>> dishes I put any in. One time a friend of Hungarian
>> ethnic origin was over for dinner on a day I'd made a
>> stew with paprika in it. I ladled it onto our plates and
>> started eating. He took one bite and it was like his
>> head exploded. He thought the stew was *hot*. As
>> hot as if I'd added jalepenno chilis to the stew not
>> paprika. He explained the genetic trait to me and I
>> offered him other dishes.

> Holy cow, you can only imagine his reaction if you'd made it with
> *hot* Hungarian paprika instead of the sweet stuff.

Or hot Spanish paprika. That spice is quite hot!

As for cilantro, I've found times when it tasted quite soapy and times
when it tasted fresh, more like parsley. Both flavors occurred in
several different countries eating in local restaurants. I wonder if
there is a difference between the upper, younger leaves, and the lower
ones. There is certainly a difference when using different parts of
plants. Perhaps this is the case with cilantro?