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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Posts: 2,250
Default (2009-08-14) NS-RFC: BLTs

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Bob Muncie > wrote:
> <snipped>
>> Anyways, he lived, was stupidly proud of me (his step son), but the
>> thing I carried away from that was, I already decided what the life or
>> death decisions were. It's just a question about the smaller things a
>> head of me in life that I'd have to make decisions about.

> Gun safety rule #1, "always be sure of your target and what is beyond
> it."
> NEVER EVER shoot at shadows.

If *inside* the house, and I know for a fact (checked bedrooms) where
the family members are, *blam* - single shot for a single target. I
don't miss. I also don't pull the trigger without a reason.

The whole know what's behind your target was drilled into me before I
went hunting for the first time. Surprisingly enough by the same
step-dad that almost learned first hand, what a dangerous intruder, in a
bad neighborhood can get. A bullet into someone's cranium is not likely
to travel very much further, if at all.

>> I know, way to far winded for a small story. But Om got me thinking
>> about such things with her guns and thoughts about what she has, why she
>> has them, and what she's likely getting ready to do.
>> Regards,
>> Bob

> Not getting ready Bob, just prepared in case I ever have to defend life,
> limb and property...
> or family members.
> It is not a pretty world out there any more.

Did I say *anything* what so ever negative about anything you have said
in this thread? If anything, I still want to marry you <blush>.
