Kitchen sanitation and potlucks
Victor Sack wrote:
> Default User > wrote:
> > You asked for more details. I don't see the point in me reiterating
> > what Wikipedia says. So, as I said, review it at your leisure and
> > address any points directly that you'd like.
> I do not know why you persist in trying to kick down an unlocked door.
Now I'm confused. All I ever did was invite you to pursue it further
for youself if you wished. And if you didn't, that's great too. You're
the one that's spun it into a big deal. My interest level in the topic
is so low that I can't be, as our UK friends might say, be "arsed" to
do any further research.
> I never asked for any details at all.
Well, yeah you did. But that doesn't really matter.
> For some strange reason you saw
> it fit to quote Wikipedia's apparently baseless assertion that "German
> potato salad" originated in southern Poland.
It might be baseless, it might not. I don't know, and can't answer any
questions about it.
> I stated the reasons why
> it made no sense. Why you keep sending me to Wikipedia is a mystery
> to me.
Because I didn't wish to go back to review any of the sources. I left
that to you if you wished.
> Is there anything at all there to back up the assertion?
You might want to check for yourself. Oh wait, we're right back where
we started.
> I strongly suspect there is nothing - so why are you persisting in
> pointing to Wikipedia?
Again, this is a mischaracterization of what happened. I posted one
comment gleaned from that article. When you disputed the information, I
invited you to puruse it at your leisure.
> This is a Usenet newsgroup - discussions are
> supposed to take place here, not on Wikipedia's Web site.
That's up to you, of course. In case it wasn't clear, I was done
discussing it. Any further information about the Wikipedian entry would
need to come from your own study.
> Time to change you .sig.
I'm not at all sure that you and I have the same definition of
"grouchy". Perhaps you could explain your definition and demonstrate
how anything I've posted fits that definition. It doesn't fit the ones
I'm familiar with.
I'll leave to have a "last word" if you like. I'll be done with this
thread in its entirety.
Day 198 of the "no grouchy usenet posts" project