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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Ice cream certificates

"Default User" > wrote in message
> Breyer's didn't use to have any, for at least 20 years. The addition of
> tara gum is relatively recent. Many of us remember the old TV
> commercial with the kid who had trouble reading the ingredients for the
> other brand, but Breyers was "milk, cream, sugar, vanilla."

More like 50+ years. Breyers used to be the top local brand in Philadelphia
area. Eventually, they sold to Sealtest who sold to Kraft Foods who sold
that division to Good Humor who sold to Unilever. None of the flavors had
crap gums in them. They also discontinued my favorite flavors decades ago.
Banana, orange ice, raspberry ice. One of my favorites was a double cone
with vanilla on the bottom, raspberry ice on the top. Sugar cones were a
penny more.