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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default using Kosher salt in a pinch

"Cindy Hamilton" wrote:
"Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
> "Theron" wrote:
> > "Kalmia" > wrote:
> >
> >>I let myself run low on iodized salt. I was wondering if I finely
> >> ground some Kosher salt, what precautions should I use for a recipe?

Then you'd need to weigh it... ground salt is very fine, much finer than
ordinary table salt,
ground salt is sold as popcorn salt.

> >> I managed to find enough salt to tide me over in those little packets
> >> ya save and forget about....

> > Use 1.33 tsp Kosher salt for each tsp table salt in any recipe. Kosher
> > salt tastes better. Try it.

> Do you have a spoon that measures the .03?

C'mon, Ed. 0.33 is close enough for jazz to 3/8. I have a 1/8 tsp


Why do you need a 1/8 tsp measure, are you a heroine dealer?

Ed was being tongue in cheek... no one who can cook even a little bit
measures salt with a volume measure unless the recipe calls for more than
can fit in the hand... People salt their food all the time without
measuring... I've never yet seen anyone salt their food by filling a measure
with the salt shaker, although many shake the salt into their hand, to see
what comes out and to ensure the cap doesn't fall off the shaker. If the
quantity of salt needs to be more precise than what one can measure with the
hand/eye then they need to use a scale, the same way salt is sold, by
weight... it's really not possible to measure salt accurately by volume,
salt crystal size varies widely between brands, even within the same brand
every lot of salt (pardon the pun) is different. For culinary use the only
time precise accuracy is important with salt is for preserving or for
preparing large quantities... for the typical quantities of food prepared at
home the hand and eyeball is plenty accurate enough... and of course for
home cooking the most accurate measure of all is taste. The experienced
cook never adds all the salt noted the first time they try a recipe, one can
always add more salt next time or salt at the table but salt cannot be
removed. Probably the most common error in cookbooks is printing 1 Tbs when
it should be 1 tsp.... anytime you see 1 Tbsp of salt in a home cookbook
recipe your alarm system should fire.