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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default Wildlife and the "crops"

Janet Bostwick wrote:
> "John Kane" > wrote in message

> I was going to suggest a dog to Gloria but a fox is much classier.
> How do I get one?
> John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
> You want red or grey? Free plus s&h. Or a coyote or 2?
> Janet

We have at least four red foxes in the neighborhood and a coyote but
I've never heard that they have taken on the raccoons. There's an old
quite scruffy one and three younger members of the family who
occasionally come into our back yard and chase one another around and
round the semi-circle of yews, like kittens. I used to put out food for
them until I disovered half the neighborhood feeds them....

Speaking of which, there have been at least four or five bear attacks
in the foothills and one in Aspen the past week. In a couple of
instances, they broke into houses. Also a woman was mauled and killed
by a bear but she was one of those animal lovers who hand-fed them quite
often. Guess they got tired of waiting one day.

People are being warned not to leave any food out at all (even empty
soda cans), no bird feeders, no overflowing dumpsters,and to take in BBQ
grills into the garage if possible. The ranger said bears can smell
food up to three miles away and they are currently gorging on food
preparing for winter.

Not nice to fool with Mother Nature....

gloria p