In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > "brooklyn1" > wrote:
> >
> >> If I had to choose the absolute worst cousine I don't need to think about
> >> it, the worst I've ever eaten is Indian food... and I've tried quite a few
> >> highly touted restaurants thinking it was poor luck of the draw, NOT!,
> >> they
> >> all serve food that is literally greasy shit, it stinks like shit to boot.
> >
> > I have yet to have good Indian food. And I've tried it more than once.
> Hear, hear! I have yet to understand the fascination with the stuff. DIL
> took us to an Indian restaurant in Houston, raved about the food, etc.
> It totally sucked!
My brother in law is fond of it, but I don't plan to waste the money
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein