Worst Cuisine you've ever had?
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 19:56:00 GMT, "James Silverton"
> wrote:
> sf wrote on Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:08:05 -0700:
>>> IHMO, if you like Indian food, the next
>>> best place on earth to find it would be in South Africa;
>>> there is a huge Indian population here
>> That's another MCINL for the current survey. Indian food.
>> Not interested in reading about it and certainly don't want to
>> cook it.
>How can you blanket condemn the food of a subcontinent? There are many
>distinct versions of Indian cooking and I venture to suggest that you've
>hardly tried any of them. IMHO, there is no national cuisine that I
>would despise.
I'm not saying I despise it. I think it's a boring topic, even as
part of a subthread. I may eat it in restaurants, but I'm not about
to make it at home.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.