using Kosher salt in a pinch
"Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
On Aug 20, 11:06 am, "brooklyn1" > wrote:
> "Cindy Hamilton" wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
> > "Theron" wrote:
> > > "Kalmia" > wrote:
> > >>I let myself run low on iodized salt. I was wondering if I finely
> > >> ground some Kosher salt, what precautions should I use for a recipe?
> Then you'd need to weigh it... ground salt is very fine, much finer than
> ordinary table salt,
> ground salt is sold as popcorn salt.
> > >> I managed to find enough salt to tide me over in those little packets
> > >> ya save and forget about....
> > > Use 1.33 tsp Kosher salt for each tsp table salt in any recipe. Kosher
> > > salt tastes better. Try it.
> > Do you have a spoon that measures the .03?
> C'mon, Ed. 0.33 is close enough for jazz to 3/8. I have a 1/8 tsp
> measure.
> ==========
> Why do you need a 1/8 tsp measure, are you a heroine dealer?
It came on a ring with the other measuring spoons. I use it
e.g., when making curry and want just a little bit of some spice. Or,
often cut recipes down (since there are just two of us) and something
that was 1/4 tsp becomes 1/8.
> Ed was being tongue in cheek... no one who can cook even a little bit
> measures salt with a volume measure unless the recipe calls for more than
> can fit in the hand...
Of course. However, some people are exceptionally carefully about
measuring, whether it's necessary or not.
True, most gals measure.