Worst Cuisine you've ever had?
ViLco wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>> Amsterdam's cuisine is entirely too dull. Of course there were
>> remedies for that!
> Yeah, the spanish and portuguese restaurants! And keep far from those
> "eye-talian" restos: all turkish personnel and totally wrong
> "eye-talian" dishes. And garlic everywhere, including the stained
> ceiling, sheesh...
And the stained sheets, too, eh...???
Dutch cuisine is pretty universally disdained, even by the Dutch. The
height of Dutch culinary aspiration is the "krokette", a deep - fried ball
of whatever...the first krokette dates from 1254, it was found recently in
an archeological dig...it's on display at the Riijksmuseum in Amsterdam in
Then there is the dreaded KLM cheese sandwich, the butt of many jokes over
the years...