Worst Cuisine you've ever had?
Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Phillipino can be pretty bad...cheap, greezy, tasteless, everything larded
> with palm oil...
Yes, the difference between lumpia and egg rolls
is that lumpia is open at the ends so that the
frying fat saturates the filling. Filipino cooking
seems to be the only Asian cuisine that has embraced
deep-fry to such an extent. That guy who was ranting
about Paris might have been happier in Manila.
> And bad Chinese really does suck, in my Chicawgo nabe there are still a
> plethora of old - fashioned chop suey take - out joints, all with terrible
> food. Don't know how they stay in business, there are lots of Thai, etc.,
> options around now...
There used to be a Chinese restaurant near me which
apparently served a rustic version of Chinese cuisine.
If you ordered something with chicken in it, they'd
just hack it up, bones and all. You'd have to pick
out the bone pieces while eating. I've also been
to a Filipino restaurant that did it that way.
I guess that's how they do it in small towns in Asia.