sf hates Indian food!
sf wrote:
>>> That's another MCINL for the current survey. Indian food.
>>> Not interested in reading about it and certainly don't want to
>>> cook it.
>> How can you blanket condemn the food of a subcontinent? There are many
>> distinct versions of Indian cooking and I venture to suggest that you've
>> hardly tried any of them. IMHO, there is no national cuisine that I would
>> despise.
> I'm not saying I despise it. I think it's a boring topic, even as
> part of a subthread. I may eat it in restaurants, but I'm not about
> to make it at home.
Can you put your finger on exactly what you dislike about the Indian food
you've had? And can you tell us what Indian food you've TRIED, so that we
can possibly suggest things you WOULD like?
There is HUGE variation within the umbrella of things called "Indian food."
Wikipedia identifies twenty-four distinct culinary regions within India
(although they somehow failed to mention Hyderabad), and I'd guess that at
least one of them (say, Goa, because of its Portuguese influence) would
satisfy your tastes.
Of course, this is just my way of saying, "I know you said you don't like
Indian food, but that's only because you haven't had it the way *I* make
it..." :-)