Whole Foods Lefties Feel Betrayed...!!!
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 00:13:08 GMT, notbob wrote:
> On 2009-08-20, Gregory Morrow > wrote:
>> "Whole Foods aficionados who assumed the company's management was as crunchy
>> as the brand......
> "crunchy"?
>> They have stormed Twitter, Facebook and the blogosphere to vent their rage
>> at John Mackey, the chief executive.
> What took 'em so long? Anyone who's paid the least bit of attention
> to Mackey and WF's history knows the guy was a fascist right wing
> money whore from the get go. I love the part about WFs sustainability
> and organic foods. WF has done more to co-opt (there's one for the
> books) the standards of organic food than any single Agribiz corp in
> the US. I think the whole thing is hilarious.
> nb
mackey is also the reason that people who shop the bigger chains can find
organic food if that's their interest.
the whole thing is a tempest in an artisanal teapot.
your pal,