you've got 5 minutes to prep and eat
Kalmia wrote:
> You know the situation - you suddenly realize you have to leave the
> house in five minutes for an appointment, you're hungry, you won't be
> home for hours, no Power Bars on hand, and can't stop on the way to
> grab a bite. What is your five minute emergency meal?
> Mine: slap crunchy peanut butter and slice of Swiss, in that order,
> on a slice of w.w. bread, top brown it for a minute in the toaster
> oven. Holds body and soul together, filling, no dishes or pans to
> wash.
> Yours?
Shortcut breakfast quesadilla: tinned refried beans, cheese and a little
salsa on a flour tortilla. Microwave for 30 secs to 1 min. Wrap and eat
on the way to the station.
Bread and Nutella!
Something left over from the night before, microwaved.