Wildlife and the "crops"
atec 7 7 <"atec > wrote in
> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> Peter wrote about Boogle (who sounds like prime video material):
>>>> He's so extremely goofy that it's impossible not to like him. He
>>>> prefers to take the sliding board down off the deck rather than use
>>>> the stairs. He allows a 4 pound kitten to boss him around. When
>>>> he's excited, his ears stand up, but tilt towards each other so
>>>> they cross in the middle, while his eyes appear to be staring off
>>>> in two different directions. His field of vision must be
>>>> incredibly broad. He has no concept of his own size, or where his
>>>> body happens to be in space at any given time. He's constantly
>>>> crashing into things, knocking stuff over, cracking his head while
>>>> turning around... His call name has become 'Boogle'.
>>> Sounds like Twitilleger. Fron now on, he shall be known as 'Boogle
>>> Bob'.
>> Okay, I guess we need a nickname for Peter. What would be the best
>> name for a parasitic obsessive-chronic masturbator?
>> Bob
> Bob apparently
LOL!!! Looks like 'Boogle Bob' has still got his man-boobs in a twist :-)