Whole Foods Lefties Feel Betrayed...!!!
Gloria P wrote:
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>> Even though WH doesn't carry lobsters because killing them would be
>> "cruel"...???
> How do they rationalize selling beef, pork, chicken, fish, etc?
> Or aren't those killed before they are sold?
He...I've always found WH's "save the planet" schtick pretty risible,
especially considering that their parking lots are more often than not
chock - full of gas - guzzling SUV's, invariably occupied by one measly tiny
yuppie female.
And of all creatures, lobsters are the least likely to have
"feelings"...they certainly do not feel "pain" when they are cooked. If
lobsters were sensitive creatures they wouldn't be opportunistic bottom -
feeders with *extreme* cannibalistic tendencies...