Whole Foods Lefties Feel Betrayed...!!!
On 2009-08-22, Gregory Morrow > wrote:
> The Clinton era was hardly "warm and fuzzy" to ordinary workers. Clinton
> kowtowed shamelessly to Wall St. and big business in general, his audacity
> in doing this gobsmacked even the far - right believers in Reagan - era
> economic policies...he was not called "Slick Willie" for nothing.
You crack me up. Sound like the guy that whined, bitched, and
complained about Clinton all through the deliriously prosperous 90s
while he was pulling down unheard of wages as an "ordinary worker".
Company stock split and doubled 4 times in ten years making even wage
earners near millionaires if they did even basic stock withdrawals
options and bonuses. I know, cuz I was one.
But, he never failed to bitch about Bill. Not who won last nights
game or that hot new babe in shipping or that new movie or restaurant
or new car you could buy with this quarter's bonus. Just, "Did you
see what the dirtbag Clinton, did!?" Got so people scattered at his
approach, even hardcore conservatives.