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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default OT Ramadan started last night

Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> This morning marked the first day of the Muslim month of Ramadan. During
> this month, Muslims are prohibited from eating, drinking, smoking or
> participating in "excessive" activities during the hours between dawn and
> sunset. ("Dawn" in this context means a time when the sky is light but
> before the sun rises. The actual time calculations vary depending on what
> sect of Islam is being followed.)
> While this sounds pretty harsh, it should be noted that most Muslim families
> have veritable FEASTS every night during Ramadan. In order to make the
> fasting daylight hours more tolerable, business hours during Ramadan in
> Muslim countries are usually shifted so that people can stay up most of the
> night. In fact, Wikipedia notes, "Muslims may continue to eat and drink
> after the sun has set until the next morning's fajr prayer call." (Fajr is
> the first prayer call of the day, taking at dawn.)

I don't find this OT at all. It deals with a holiday and eating
practices during that time. I'd like to learn more about what special
dishes they feast on? What the rules are for those who can't fast, etc.