OT Ramadan started last night
Goomba wrote:
> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> This morning marked the first day of the Muslim month of Ramadan.
>> During this month, Muslims are prohibited from eating, drinking,
>> smoking or participating in "excessive" activities during the hours
>> between dawn and sunset. ("Dawn" in this context means a time when the
>> sky is light but before the sun rises. The actual time calculations
>> vary depending on what sect of Islam is being followed.)
>> While this sounds pretty harsh, it should be noted that most Muslim
>> families have veritable FEASTS every night during Ramadan. In order to
>> make the fasting daylight hours more tolerable, business hours during
>> Ramadan in Muslim countries are usually shifted so that people can
>> stay up most of the night. In fact, Wikipedia notes, "Muslims may
>> continue to eat and drink after the sun has set until the next
>> morning's fajr prayer call." (Fajr is the first prayer call of the
>> day, taking at dawn.)
> I don't find this OT at all. It deals with a holiday and eating
> practices during that time. I'd like to learn more about what special
> dishes they feast on? What the rules are for those who can't fast, etc.
I once helped host an iftar. This was in conjunction to our book
project which centered on The Kite Runner, so the food was primarily
Afghani. It was wonderful! Chicken, veggie dishes (butternut squash,
spinach, cauliflower, okra), rice pilaf, bread, etc. The dessert was a
kind of milk pudding, very subtly flavored (I wasn't overly fond of it
but most folks scarfed it down). The meal was preceded by evening
prayers. I found the whole experience very moving and enjoyed the
dinner discussion tremendously.
As for the fasting rules, about the only thing I know for certain is
that women who are menstruating do not have to fast. It's amazing how
many Muslim women menstruate all month long! ;-) I also believe that
those who are ill do not have to fast. My boss, who is Muslim (male)
fasts, and I try my damndest NOT to bake anything tempting during
Ramadan. If I do, I make sure there are plenty of whatever it is left
over for him to take home :-)