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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Default PING Rodney Myrvaagnes (about gravlax)

In article >,
"Theron" > wrote:

> I'm not Rodney, though I make quite a lot of gravlax. I think a week is
> about as long as you'd want to store it. That's also what the "Great
> Scandanavian Cookbook" says. They also add a bit of saltpeter to their cure.
> I've been making mine lately with Morton's Tenderquick. I recently added a
> bit of diluted liquid smoke to the salmon, for imitated "Cold Smoked Salmon"
> It tasted much better than I thought it would. I'd do it again.

I make a vodka gravlax that I found on the net about ten years ago. It's
very tasty, but thanks to Om, I recently acquired some Tenderquick. I
don't have any liquid smoke, but I do have some well over twenty five
year old 'Spice Islands Hickory Smoked Salt'. It's just gotta improve
with age 'cause it smells like a campfire when it's opened. And it's
heavy. How much Tenderquick would you use for say two pounds of salmon?
The recipe I have calls for 4 Tbsp of coarse salt per two pounds of
salmon plus brown sugar, pepper, fresh dill and vodka. I figure a
quarter tsp of smoked salt mixed in it would be interesting, now that
you mention it. But what would the Tenderquick do if the Scandanavians
only recommend a week? Because I'm not too bright, I've eaten what I
make without Tenderquick at over two weeks old. I've danced with the
devil and lived so far, but I'm rethinking my position.
