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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 24,847
Default A good chicken glaze

In article >, "ElmerF." > wrote:

> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > Threw together some good stuff last night after I got done with my
> > volunteer stint with the Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association at
> > the local outlet mall for tax free weekend.

> What are you doing community service for? Carrying your gun somewhere you
> shouldnt have?

Um, I took the CPA class last spring and joined the CPAAA when I
graduated. This "community service" is part of our function. It is what
the organization does.

I do volunteer service for personal satisfaction, not for a crime or

The CPAAA members are highly valued for their volunteer service by the
police departments nation wide. We are trained citizen police volunteers.
Look it up before you shoot off your keyboard.

Here is our website and I'm proud to be a member:

We just recently hosted the State Conference here. I spent 3 days
working there for free too. I'll eventually post the banquet food pics.
We have to pass a federal background check just to take the class.

What the hell makes you think that the city would allow a community
service criminal to write parking violations? That's part of what I did

> >
> > We were helping our local PD with parking enforcement. I ended up
> > working 8 hours instead of 4 as one of our other volunteers cancelled.

> Ah. Good planning. You will be finished before you know it. That is
> unless you get caught carrying that gun while you are doing community
> service.

<chuckles> 300 hours and the PD awards us with a leather bomber jacket
with the SMCPAAA logo embroidered on it. :-)

I've got 57 hours accumulated so far for the past year. Picked up a
bunch for the convention and a nice number last Christmas for helping
out with the Blue Santa project. I'll do that one again this year!
It's cool to see the kids faces when we deliver presents....
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
