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Manda Ruby Manda Ruby is offline
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Posts: 510
Default Yummy Thai curry - trying to fix Penang curry bought yesterday +

On Aug 23, 4:03*pm, Manda Ruby > wrote:
> Yesterday went to a Thai restaurant that I went about 4 weeks ago.
> That time, 4 weeks ago at dinner time, I ordered green curry
> (chicken), requesting to cut down the coconut milk to half the normal
> amount they used and to make it Thai hot. *It was excellent. The vege
> used was Asian squash (green).
> Hoping that I'd get to do the same, I went there yesterday, and the
> same man was not there. So, I told the woman to cut the coconut milk
> to half, ordering Penang curry. Her face was seemed puzzled and so I
> realized that the curry broth/gravy must have been made already and
> since they were a bit busy, I said "never mind". I also forgot to tell
> her to make it hot.
> So, there it was, my Penang curry, almost sweet with overwhelming
> flavor of coconut milk. It had red a few pieces of bell pepper and
> thinly sliced round pieces of carrot. I brought the left over home,
> thinking that I would just add my red curry paste, adding more chicken
> and tone the coconut milk flavor down.
> Today, I went to Farmer's market and bought Oriental purple eggplant,
> Asian green beans, Asian squash and green bell pepper. I didn't see
> red bell pepper at the stands I went to. * I also bought $1.00 worth
> of Thai chilies (green and red mixed). *I also bought. Thai basil,
> cilantro, and mint jus because they smelled good. I will use cilantro
> in the fish curry (Burmese style) I plan to make. Sometime this week,
> I will use mint in making cucumber salad in yogurt to go with Chicken
> Pilaf I plan to make if I get time.
> So, this is what I am thinking to do. Make two Thai dishes, splitting
> the gravy curry of the left over Penang curry, adding spice and
> ingredient needed to make it taste good.
> - First one: I am thinking to use red curry paste that I have, garlic,
> and red Thai chilies (paste made in blender) to fry the chicken a bit,
> then adding thinly sliced round carrot, an inch long sliced Asian
> green beans, and an inch long sliced eggplant, finally adding the left
> over Penang curry gravy to get coconut milk flavor. I don't know
> whether I should add some basil to this dish.

I made the one above but I used all the gravy from the left over
Penang curry. I put both basil and cilantro leave at the end of
cooking. So, I'll have to think of something else to use my Asian
squash, already peeled and cut.

> - Second one: I was thinking to make a green looking curry using Thai
> green chilies (paste made in blender) to fry Chicken a bit, ten Asian
> squash, and bell pepper, finally adding the left over Penang curry
> gravy for the cocontu flavor. *I looked online for making Thai green
> chilies paste but I don't have lemon grass and also, too much work
> anyway. So, for this one, I need suggestion to make this curry appear
> green and reasonably tasty w/o having to make a trip to go buy green
> chilli paste.