Adventures in Cooking with No Teeth . . .
On Aug 23, 11:52*am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig > wrote:
> > On Aug 23, 4:10*am, Omelet > wrote:
> > > Steamed Tarot
> > > Any well cooked soft veggie should be ok.
> > > --
> > > Peace! Om
> > I have several Tarot decks! *How long would I have to steam one?
> > <vbg>
> > Lynn in Fargo
> <laughs> Ok, so it's a fun typo. :-)
> What decks do you have? *When I used to read Tarot, I used the Sacred
> Rose deck. It's very rich in symbolism.
> --
> Peace! Om
> "Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
> --Steve Rothstein
> Subscribe:
I have a Rider Waite deck that's 40 years old. That's what I use most
often. My daughter and her best-freind-almost-my other-daughter gave
me the "Sacred Circle" tarot (Llewellyn) and my sister gave me a deck
of cards called "The Goddess Oracle" (ELEMENT - a division of Harper
Collins). I really like those - 52 goddesses from many cultures with
attributes. Very free-form for reading - make up your own spread. I
want a Robin Wood deck. (google) just for the amazing art!
Lynn in Fargo