Adventures in Cooking with No Teeth . . .
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Kate Connally > wrote:
>> Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig wrote:
>>> My September
>>> copies of Gourmet and Cooking Light showed up this week and I read
>>> them both cover to cover. Really BAD idea!
>> Lynn, Didn't I warn you about that sort of thing? When will you
>> learn? ;-)
>> Kate
> Ps, can someone please send me subscription cards for these?
> I don't like putting my CC info' on the internet if I can avoid it...
> This e-mail works. :-)
You can go to any bookstore and flip open the pages of desired magazines
and all the subscription cards you could ever want will drop out. No one
buying the issue will *ever* miss one of the many.