Critter-nibbled tomatoes
On Aug 25, 4:54*pm, Silvar Beitel > wrote:
> Finally getting some ripe tomatoes from the garden. *Damn, they're
> good. *Trouble is, Mr. Woodchuck has been around sampling them. *About
> half have bites take out of them.
> I'm thinking I'll just cut out the nibbled areas and use them - but
> not raw, just in case Mr. Woodchuck (and I suppose it could be
> something else) has some horrible disease - will probably thoroughly
> cook them down into sauce of some sort.
I just wash them in cool water and use. Raw or however. Mr Woodchuck's
mouth is probably cleaner than yours and mine anyway.
Speaking of that, I have 4 ripe tomatoes I've picked and are sitting
in my kitchen! I gotta start eating them up! Ate one yesterday, just
cubed it up and ground black pepper on it. YUM!
John Kuthe...