I seem to have the hiccups
Becca wrote:
> Bob Muncie wrote:
>> Becca wrote:
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> If you swallow the pencil you'll squawk like a chicken!\
>>> Thanks for the giggle. :-)
>>> The home remedy that is almost 100% effective for hiccups is sugar.
>>> Eat a spoonful of sugar and the hiccups will stop immediately. For
>>> babies, you can dissolve sugar in a little water, administer via baby
>>> bottle and their hiccups will stop. This truly works.
>>> Becca
>> I am willing to learn from any source. Learning is good.
>> What about sugar stops the hiccups?
>> I'm just curious, not being facetious.
>> Bob
> Sugar has always worked but I am not sure why. At first I thought it
> was a placebo effect, but when I saw it work on a baby, then I realized
> it had something to do with the sugar. It works immediately, like magic.
> Becca
Thanks for sharing your experience, as that was all I was asking for.
You Pal,