you've got 5 minutes to prep and eat
Bob Muncie wrote:
> D 1 wrote:
>> Bob Muncie wrote:
>>> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>>> The Ranger replied to Bob Muncie:
>>>>>> Cyber is a rather smart person.
>>>>> No its not even remotely smart. Consistent, yes; but smart -- not
>>>>> even remotely.
>>>>> Sort of like you. Explains volumes.
>>>> Rather than gainsaying Bob's opinion and following with an ad
>>>> hominem, I'll take a different tack, in the hope that Bob can reach
>>>> some insight into how he came to that opinion which seems so far
>>>> divorced from reality. If people work things out on their own, they
>>>> usually learn more effectively.
>>>> So, Bob, can you point to any post by cyber**** which made you think
>>>> it was smart? I can't say I've ever seen such a thing from
>>>> cyber****. Maybe we have wildly diverging ideas about what the word
>>>> "smart" means, but I'm curious as to whether you formed your opinion
>>>> based on something cyber**** wrote, or whether it's just your normal
>>>> habit to assume people are smart.
>>>> Bob
>>> How bout I point out that your wife left because she couldn't stomach
>>> crap that this post?
>>> Bob
>> How "bout" I point out that you are pathetic and can't form a proper
>> sentence?
>> Go play with Shelly.
>> D
> By all means.. Feel free to do so. Point out anything you feel is
> worthy. Pathetic is an opinion. We all know where your's lie... by any
> chance, is it part of your forehead?
> Bob
> Bob
That was dumber than anything I've read from Shelly. Good work, boy!