In article >,
"Default User" > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > This past year, I've been storing some stuff at room temp that I used
> > to refrigerate.
> >
> > Onions
> Don't use, don't care.
> > Garlic
> Always at room temp.
> > Potatoes
> Ditto.
> > Tomatoes
> Generally, room temp. Sometimes I will refrigerate cut ones that won't
> be used soon.
> > citrus fruits
> These don't ripen, so I refrigerate them. Less prone to mold that way.
> > Avocados
> Room temp until ripe, then refrigerator if they won't be used shortly.
> > I store all other fruits and veggies under refrigeration.
> Peaches, while they don't technically ripen, have an enzyme that causes
> them to become softer and juicier. I treat these like avocados.
> Pears usually need ripening at room temperature for a while, then into
> the refrigerator as well. They (at least Bartletts) go from great to
> trash in short order.
I don't eat pears. Apples are stored at room temp at the store, but I've
not been eating fruit now for quite awhile and won't in the near future.
How come you don't use onions?
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein