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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default The dreaded pantry moths

On Aug 25, 9:33*pm, Kajikit > wrote:
> I saw one of the little buggers flying around last night and one the
> night before (maybe the same one?!) so I had a nasty feeling about our
> pantry... when I went to cook a packet of pasta today it was
> confirmed. ARGH!!!!!! Two hours later, everything in the pantry was
> checked, some really old stuff was discarded, and everything else was
> sealed in plastic or glass jars for bug-quarantine. Good thing I've
> been saving peanut butter jars for preserving - they were just the
> right size to hold small amounts of stuff like ginger and tapioca... I
> didn't see any signs of bugs in anything else, so I'm hoping it was
> just a bad pack from the supermarket and that the rest of our food is
> safe! I bought that packet of pasta at Walmart last week so it hadn't
> been sitting around for very long.
> That said, how do you deal with pantry moths? What foods DON'T they
> like to eat?

I got them from a bag of Black Glutinous Rice. You can make a version
of flypaper that works for pantry moths by taking one of those thin
plastic cutting board things (the floppy ones), and painting one
surface lightly with peanut oil, then hanging it in the pantry. The
moths land on it and get stuck. They wash off with hot water, then
repeat. When you don't need it anymore, the oil residue will come off
in a hot dishwasher.

Hope that helps.
