In article >,
PeterL2 > wrote:
> >> Chicken boobs around here are anywhere between $9-$15kg.
> >
> > Ow. That's insane.
> > Are y'all using Euros right now or £'s? I've not kept up.
> We use the good ole Aussie dollar.
> At the moment, 1 Aussie $ buys about .82c US.
Like I said, I've not kept up. :-)
Not my area of study so I'll admit to my ignorance as to what country
uses what denomination, and what it's worth. From what I understand, the
EU is growing and the Euro is what they use.
I don't travel.
> >> Ours are all 'split'.
> >
> > Hell, be cheaper to purchase the entire chook. That sometimes is true
> > here too so will purchase whole birds before I'll purchase breasts and
> > just quarter them if I want the white meat for now.
> Yep, sometimes we have whole birds on special for about $5 for a 1.2kg
> bird.
> Which, at the end of the day, is what I prefer to cook with anyways.
I like to spathcock them and cook them whole.
I get more even cooking pounded flat that way.
> > <lol> Bloody bastid. ;-D
> Only when I have to be ;-)
> > But, I know what you mean.
> Sure as shit if that old duck had got in front of me, she would have
> taken every last one and not had a second thought about it!!
> The same thing happens at the End of Financial Year, and post Christmas
> sales. Some of those old ducks are downright deadly in a CQB sales
> scrum!!
I'll bet.
I like to stock up on turkey over the holiday season for $.69 to $.79
per lb. Cheap eating and both dad and I LOVE turkey.
> >
> > Now that that Canadian bacon turned out so well, I'm wishing I'd
> > bought more of those $1.00 per lb. whole boneless pork loins...
> You snooze, you lose ;-P
Hell, I bought 3! It's just that I cut 2 of them into steaks and am
regretting it now that I'm playing with curing.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein