Room temp food storage
In article >, Arri London > wrote:
>Gloria P wrote:
>> Arri London wrote:
>> >
>> bananas
>> >
>> > The skins aren't cold tolerant. They get damaged, open and release all
>> > sorts of nasties that turn it brown or black. Same as happens if left
>> > out at room temp for too long. However the cold-damaged bananas inside
>> > are fine, as you know. The room temp brown bananas usually aren't.
>> How do you get the skin off a frozen banana? Doesn't it stick? I've
>> never frozen them, but I'm curious.
>Thaw it first? Or peel it and then freeze? The frozen bananas on a stick
>(weirdness indeed) never have a peel on them of course. Thinking that
>most recipes for 'saved' bananas are going to be cooked anyway, so might
>as well thaw and peel.
When I've frozen bananas, the fruit becomes very mushy, which means that
it can be squeezed out without any difficulty once thawed.
It wouldn't be appetizing "raw" but for banana bread it is Just Right.
(smoothies too)
Data point: I put taters in the veggie bin in the fridge to keep them
from going green, and keep onions in the fridge to make chopping a less
tearful process.