notbob wrote:
> On 2009-08-24, John Kuthe > wrote:
> > On Aug 22, 3:22 pm, "brooklyn1" > wrote:
> >> Humans can swim instinctively at birth (what do you think they do inside
> >> their mother)....
> >
> > Oh please!! That's not swimming!
> He's quite right, you know. Put a week old baby in a pool and it will
> hold its breath and swim like a seal. It's instinctive. The longer
> the time from birth, the more of this instinct the infant will lose.
> nb
I'd completely forgotten about an infant's ability to instinctively
swim. However, that 'reflex' doesn't last for very long, although I
don't recall just exactly how long. I know, GIMF
Besides, folks (should!!!) know to never, ever leave infants and
toddlers alone around any body of water regardless if it's a small mop
pail to a pool, lake, river or ocean!
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice!!