Frying eggs
Chemo the Clown wrote:
> I like my eggs over easy with the white done and the yolk runny. Most
> place I eat just don't get the white done enough. When I fry eggs, I
> fry in a little butter and when the white looks nice and set, I put in
> about 1 tablespoon of water and quickly put a lid on the pan ofr about
> one minute. Granted, the eggs aren't "over easy" but the white is nice
> and done and the yolk is nice and runny.
> As Andy would say, "and you"?
Very hot fat in a heavy pan. Crack eggs in and coax the white into a
more even circumference. Spoon hot fat over the white to ensure it's
cooked through. Tiny bit of fat over the yolk once or twice. Edges of
white are *just* browned, white is cooked but tender, yolk is runny.
The Maternal Unit prefers to flip the egg over (and turn the heat off)
cos she doesn't mind the yolk slightly solidified. It's still a little
runny in the centre.