modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> 1. D is off her 10-day regimen of antibiotics (opportunistic sinus
> infection due to severe allergic reaction to NE Texas in the summer),
> and all the beneficial flora in he gut are either dead or on strike.
> It's hard to cook for her (see below). But my complaint pales next to
> her digestive strife. She seems to be getting better: only three naps
> today.
So sorry to hear of D's ailment. My acupuncturist/holistic health guy
(whose therapies completely restored my wrist to full functioning after
months and months of debilitating tendonitis when the quacks wanted to
shoot me up with cortisone...) recommended Activia for my gut which was
screwed up because of taking so much ibuprofen for aforementioned wrist
issue AND wicked bad headaches. I like that kind of remedy since I love
yogurt anyway. I hope D gets relief soon.
> 2. Dinner was roasted squash and okra from our community garden plot,
> sliced Israel melon from a roadside stand, and chile and coconut
> crusted ahi tuna from the freezer. It probably wasn't the best thing
> for D, alas.
Gahds that sounds heavenly.
> 5. Skimmed Kennedy's accomplishment list on his Web site:
> <snip>
A lot of people don't like what he did, but
> damn y'all he did quite a bit.
Thank you for providing this link.
> 10. Wrote too much in this post.
You can never write too much for my money. Erm. Well you know what I mean!
TammyM, hoping Modom won't slip away again