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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Spring rolls, first attempt (with pics)

URL's are at the bottom of the post.

My sister made Spring Rolls for 4th of July
over at her apartment and showed me how
really easy they were to do.

I found out that I did not have to drive clear
to Austin to get the rice papers! They are
available at one of our local grocery stores in
the ethnic food section. $1.49 per package so
quite affordable. Not sure how many are in a
package as everything is listed by weight, but
I've made 14 of these so far and it looks like
I've used maybe 1/2 the package.

These noodle wrappers are so thin and fine,
I don't feel that they contribute a significant
amount of starch carbs so should be ok to eat
in limited quantities while low carbing.

Ingredients are Rice, Tapioca and salt so they
are wheat free.

These are fun to make! Basically, a salad in
a wrapper. <g> They can be served cold and
generally are, but I have played around a
little with heating them.

Not sure if they are deep fry-able, but I doubt
it. If anyone has tried doing that, please let me

In the meantime, they are kinda pretty imho...

The first completed one (jpeg #3) is actually
the second one. I messed up the first one so
just ate it on the spot with a little soy sauce. ;-d

The first completed set (jpeg #4) are made with
pre-cooked shrimp, home grown sunflower sprouts,
avocado and thinly sliced baby spinach leaves.
The one in the middle was made with a quartered
pickled egg, sprouts and spinach.

In jpeg #5, I used up some leftovers from my
meal the previous night. Some mushrooms,
saute'd shrimp and some sliced grilled shark steak.
The sprouts were clover sprouts I scored from
the store and I also added what was left of the
sliced baby spinach from two days ago when I
made the first set.

I dressed them lightly with just a little added red
wine vinegar; Just a spoonful poured over the
leaves prior to wrapping. They were delicious.

I think pretty much anything goes with these,
and I think rice vermicelli are more traditional, but
I think the sprouts work just fine as a substitute.

I'll be making more of these and I have a head of
fresh romaine lettuce to take the place of the
spinach next... along with some alfalfa sprouts when
the clover runs out. I'm growing more sunflower
sprouts but they are not ready yet and I prefer to
reserve more of those for the cockatoo since she
likes them so much.


The beginning ingredients:

First roll setup, (later changed to center what
I wanted on top in the center of the noodle
on the bottom of the pile!):

First semi-photographic finished roll <g>:

Looks kinda like a cocoon imho.

More cocoons:

Todays efforts, to be taken to work for
dinner and breakfast. I'll be home late
in the morning as I have appointments.
I can eat these in the truck. :-) :

I'm really looking forward to the shark
meat ones especially. Shark steaks have
been $3.99 per lb. for awhile now, vac-packed
in small portions. They grill well and are
very affordable this way.
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
