In article >,
"Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
> > Todays efforts, to be taken to work for
> > dinner and breakfast. I'll be home late
> > in the morning as I have appointments.
> > I can eat these in the truck. :-) :
> >
> >
> > I'm really looking forward to the shark
> > meat ones especially. Shark steaks have
> > been $3.99 per lb. for awhile now, vac-packed
> > in small portions. They grill well and are
> > very affordable this way.
> Very pretty rolls.
Thank you!
> Hope they tasted as good as they look.
They did. I ate the one failure.
Every bit as good with vinegar as they'd been with soy sauce, and a lot
lower in salt.
> Loose rolls are
> a great way to learn. It is actually pretty tough to get nice tight fried
> rolls. Too loose and they are messy and too tight they split.
> Please, though, don't eat shark. They're being driven to extinction and
> eating them is just so wrong. If you do some web searches on the state of
> the shark populations you'll understand why.
Hm, okay. There are no shortage of sand sharks off the gulf coast here,
and they are born pregnant.
> And if anyone wants to flame me, be my guest but don't expect me to reply.
> Paul
Like me and my preference for farmed salmon due to the superior
flavor... <g>
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein