On Aug 28, 8:37*am, maxine > wrote:
> On Aug 28, 8:48*am, "Pete C." > wrote:
> > "modom (palindrome guy)" wrote:
> > > Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan issued a memo
> > > yesterday that read in part:
> > > "Imagine an NGO receiving USDA grant money to construct a community
> > > kitchen where farmers drop off produce and families join cooking
> > > classes that teach about healthy eating while everyone prepares fresh
> > > nutritious meals to bring home...Imagine a community using USDA money
> > > to construct an open-sided structure to house a farmers
> > > market...Imagine a school using USDA loan money to set up cold storage
> > > as part of a larger effort to retrofit the school cafeteria to buy
> > > produce directly from farmers and return cooking capacity for school
> > > lunch...Imagine..."
> > > Are we about to see a real change in USDA policy, a change that favors
> > > farmers and cooks and eaters over ag corporations?
> > > Full memo is he
> > >http://civileats.com/wp-content/uplo...d-memo.doc.pdf
> > > --
> > > modom
> > Imagine public schools teaching a composite nutrition / basic cooking
> > type class so people have the knowledge and skills to purchase healthy
> > foods regardless of whether their lettuce comes from a small farm in the
> > same state, or one of those evil aq corporation hydroponic greenhouses
> > in Canada. Imagine local school boards spending the funds they receive
> > wisely upgrading their cafeteria instead of hiring more administrators.
> Might as well imagine whirled *peas. *I can hear the opposition
> screaming that you'll take their bacon double cheeseburger out of
> their cold dead hands before you'll shove healthy eating down their
> throats.
> maxine in ri
> who might be depressed again
This is Socialism! The teabaggers and the birthers aren't going to
like this one little bit. They'll be showing up in front of Merrigan's
office with guns and carrying pictures of her with a Hitler mustache
before you know it. "Keep your hands off my jumbo Milky Way!"