In article >,
Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:02:04 -0400, Metspitzer wrote:
> > (MYFOX NATIONAL) - It might take a few hours a week to clip coupons
> > and browse supermarket aisles. But it's paying off for one woman who
> > is feeding her family of six for less than $10 a week.
> >
> > Kathy Spencer of Boxford, Mass., seeks out coupons, browses circulars
> > and spends up to four hours a week at grocery stores. But she says she
> > spends an average of $4 a week on groceries for a family that includes
> > her husband, four kids, one dog, two cats and a rabbit. On a recent
> > shopping trip, Spencer bought $279 worth of groceries for 39 cents.
> But If Kathy Spencer spent those 42 hours every other week working a
> real job making minimum wage and not paying for subscriptions to
> many multiple magazines and newspapers peddling those coupons, she
> would actually earn $110/week + the cost of those rags after she
> spent $278.61 on groceries.
> Not to mention that she uses $1 coupons to buy items that cost....
> drum roll... One Dollar. I bet Bobo could have a field day with her
> shopping list.
> How many coupons do we see for T-Bone steaks for $1/pound? More
> like Hamburger Helper (and even then the hamburger is never less
> than $1.49/lb).
> Did they post her shopping list?
> -sw
I could feed two people for under $10.00 per week if we ate nothing but
rice, beans, tortillas, chickens, eggs and some of the cheaper produce
such as lettuce and cabbage...
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein