In article >,
dsi1 > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > MellieSue > wrote:
> >
> >> I couldn't resist sharing this article I read about people who
> >> eatplacenta.
> >> I'm so curious to see what anyone else thinks before I givemy opinion.
> >>
> >> 'Eat Your Placenta Alone' (
> >>
> >> Do you know anyone who has eaten placenta?-- MellieSue
> >
> > I've not known anyone personally, but this is not the first I've heard
> > of it. I've actually disgust this very subject with some of the OB
> > nurses at work...
> My guess is that this is used to be done mostly by hippies and
> mother-nature types. Another practice is to bury the placenta and plant
> a tree over it.
> I remember my wife expelling her placenta the first time. Quite a shock
> for a dude unfamiliar with the birth process. I thought all her guts
> were flying out. The next time I was prepared and shielded my eyes. Ha
> ha.
> >
> > Placenta shakes seem to be the most common.
> >
> > I'd most likely not be able to stomach it, but watching past litters of
> > kittens be born, female cats never hesitated. Dogs are not quite as
> > smart about it it seems...
I've watched kittens be born. NO more. We now practice strict
spay/neuter of pets due to the thousands of homeless cats and dogs put
to sleep every year!
I watched my first/ older nephew come into the world, and the expected
placenta expulsion. The midwife took the time to explain the anatomy of
the thing. My brother in law and I were ok with it. I think sis' was
too taken with the new bloody baby in her arms to pay much attention. :-)
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein